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How to Conduct a Paranormal Investigation: A Comprehensive Guide by Danny moss

In today’s digital age, conducting a thorough and proper paranormal investigation has become a lost art. With the rise of paranormal TV shows and over-dramatised YouTube content, the traditional methods used by pioneers like Harry Price have been overshadowed. If you're serious about conducting a paranormal investigation, it's important to approach it with a blend of scepticism, preparation, and research. Here’s how to do it right:

1. Pre-Planning is Key

One of the most critical aspects of a successful paranormal investigation is planning. Unfortunately, many modern investigators show up to locations armed with the latest gadgets, without understanding their purpose. The key to a real investigation lies in extensive research and analysing previous reports.

Steps to Pre-Planning:

  • Research the Location: Study the history of the location you're investigating. Understand its origins, previous ownership, significant events, and historical context that could shed light on paranormal reports. Old newspaper articles, records, and even interviewing locals can provide valuable insight.

  • Examine Previous Paranormal Reports: Review past investigations and documented experiences from credible sources. These reports help target specific phenomena. For instance, if past reports suggest apparitions, focus on visual documentation like cameras. If unexplained sounds are common, set up audio recording equipment.

  • Create a Strategic Plan: Based on your research, plan your investigation. Decide which areas to cover, what tools to use, and how long each section of the building should be monitored. Avoid wandering aimlessly or setting up equipment randomly.


If reports suggest a visual manifestation in a specific room, focus your efforts there. Instead of relying on gadgets like K2 meters or REM pods in random areas, set up cameras in the reported location. Visual phenomena require visual tools—plain and simple.

Similarly, if previous reports describe disembodied voices on a staircase, an investigator should use high-quality microphones to capture the sound, rather than relying on irrelevant tools such as motion sensors or EMF detectors.

2. Target the Phenomenon, Not the Tech

Over the past decade, there has been a troubling reliance on gadgets that often provide no meaningful evidence. Paranormal TV shows and YouTube channels tend to overuse these tools, making the investigation more about entertainment than the actual pursuit of truth. Here are some common tools that are often misused:

  • K2 Meters: While K2 meters detect electromagnetic fields (EMF), they are highly sensitive to interference from mobile phones, radios, Wi-Fi, and other electrical devices. Despite these limitations, many teams consider K2 spikes to be proof of paranormal activity, which is misleading since the connection between EMF and the paranormal remains unproven.

  • Cat Balls: These flashing toys have become a recent trend in investigations, but they’re not reliable due to the number of environmental factors that can cause them to go off.

  • Phone Apps: Apps like 'Necrophonic' or 'Ghost Tube' are designed more for entertainment than serious investigation. These apps often create pareidolia, a psychological phenomenon where people perceive familiar patterns—such as hearing meaningful words from random sounds.

Why Gadgets Fail:

The paranormal field is saturated with devices that often lack scientific grounding. Many of these gadgets are marketed as "essential tools," but most do not contribute to credible findings. Tools like the K2 meter or REM pod are susceptible to environmental factors that can easily mislead investigators. Similarly, the cat ball, which lights up when moved, can be triggered by even the slightest breeze or floor vibration, rendering it an unreliable source of evidence.

Solution: Instead of depending on these gadgets, rely on established investigative tools like high-quality video cameras, microphones, and environmental sensors that provide quantifiable data.

3. Use Proven Methods & Tools

Instead of flashy gadgets, rely on basic but proven methods. Here are some essential tools for a genuine paranormal investigation:

  • Cameras: Visual phenomena should always be documented using high-quality cameras. Setting up a few in strategic locations can help capture any potential apparitions or anomalies. Use infrared or night vision cameras for low-light conditions, as many reported sightings occur in the dark.

  • Audio Recorders: For reports of strange noises or voices, use high-quality audio recorders. This is especially important in areas where disembodied voices or footsteps have been reported. A good microphone will provide better evidence than unreliable tech. Consider placing multiple recorders at different locations for better coverage.

  • Motion Detectors: While often overused, motion detectors can be effective if placed strategically. Avoid relying solely on this tool, but use it in combination with cameras and other sensors to document unexplained movement.

Keep It Simple:

Many gadgets can give false readings, especially in environments with fluctuating electrical currents or interference. Stick to tools that provide clear, objective data. You don’t need dozens of different gadgets cluttering the scene; it’s more about quality than quantity.

4. Document Everything Methodically

Paranormal investigation is not just about spending hours in a haunted location; it’s about gathering credible evidence. Documentation is the backbone of any proper investigation.

Best Practices for Documentation:

  • Audio and Video Logs: Keep continuous logs of all audio and video recordings. Label and store your files carefully, noting the exact time and location each was recorded.

  • Field Notes: Take detailed notes during the investigation. Log any strange occurrences, including sensations, sounds, or sights. Also, document environmental factors like temperature changes or unexplained sounds.

  • Data Review: Post-investigation review is often overlooked but crucial. Take your time to thoroughly review your recordings. Investigate any anomalies, and rule out natural causes before drawing conclusions.

5. Remain Sceptical and Objective

Paranormal investigation is about gathering evidence, not proving preconceived beliefs. Approach each investigation with scepticism, always considering natural explanations first. Gadgets often contribute to confirmation bias, so be cautious of jumping to conclusions based on weak or unproven tools.

Examples of Maintaining Objectivity:

  • Debunking False Positives: If a K2 meter spikes near a power source or a phone, recognise it as interference, not paranormal activity. When analysing recordings, consider background noise or interference before declaring something paranormal.

  • Eliminating Bias: Investigators often enter a haunted location with expectations based on the location’s reputation. It’s important to avoid confirmation bias—don’t let previous stories dictate what you believe you’re seeing or hearing.

Striking the Balance Between Scepticism and Exploration:

Healthy scepticism is vital for any paranormal investigation, but it must be balanced with an open mind. The goal of any investigator should be to explore all possible explanations—both natural and supernatural—without preconceived conclusions. Debunkers who spread false narratives do a disservice to the field by discouraging exploration and inquiry.

What the Community Can Do: As investigators, it’s important to stand by the evidence and promote critical thinking. Challenge debunkers by encouraging thorough, unbiased investigations, and always rely on documented facts. Remember, scepticism should be about questioning evidence, not dismissing it outright.

6. Collaborate with a Team

Working alone can be limiting in paranormal investigations. Collaborating with a team allows for different perspectives, making it easier to rule out false positives. Here’s how to maximize teamwork:

  • Assign Roles: Each team member should have a specific role, such as handling audio, video, or environmental monitoring. Clear responsibilities prevent confusion during the investigation.

  • Cross-Check Findings: Having multiple investigators review the evidence helps ensure accuracy and reduces the likelihood of bias. If one person captures something anomalous, others can verify it.

By focusing on preparation, targeting phenomena with appropriate tools, avoiding false narratives, and eliminating unnecessary gadgets, you can conduct a paranormal investigation rooted in scientific scepticism and genuine exploration. Forget about the dramatics seen on TV and YouTube—stick to the basics, remain objective, and let the evidence speak for itself.


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